Anyone can sit in a corner office and delegate tasks, but there is more to effective leadership than that. Effective leaders have major impacts on not only the team members they manage, but also their company as a whole.
Learn how to be a good leader to improve your team’s engagement and success.
Company culture can shape how your employees and corporate leaders advocate for your business. Learn how you can foster a company culture that creates loyal employees and increased brand awareness.
You might be asking, what is this unpacking baggage, I am not traveling! Let’s have a real discussion about baggage. Yep, we all have it. We have good and bad ways of managing ourselves.
In the world of talent management, high-performing employees, or HIPOs, are the holy grail. Gartner research finds that HIPOs, who are smart, agile, and talented, exert 21% more effort than their non-HIPO peers and have a 75% chance of succeeding at roles that are critical to business performance and the future leadership pipeline.
With our constant access to and connection with technology, achieving a work/life balance is becoming more difficult. There are benefits, of course, in having around-the-clock access to people and information, but in a 24/7 culture, it’s important to take responsibility for yourself and to create your own boundaries.
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