What Can You Expect from our HR Warrior Workshop?

What Can You Expect from our HR Warrior Workshop?

What makes a workshop great? For some, it’s the free donuts… before you laugh, there’s something to be said for making attendees comfortable. Donuts, like many things, may not be the healthiest, but the Donut Theory stands: the more comfortable you make someone feel, the more likely they are to participate, feel engaged, enjoy themselves and come away with valuable ideas and actions to advance their careers. Donuts notwithstanding, here’s some insight into how we built our HR Warrior Workshops and what you can expect if you join us!

The Goal of our HR Warrior Workshop

Inspired by the book The Way of the HR Warrior by Keri Ohlrich and Monica Frede, the goal of our HR Warrior® Workshop is to offer attendees a completely different experience — one that celebrates the real value of the HR function, and the need to think differently as an HR professional. Engaging, thought-provoking, and insightful, our workshop marries introspection with action!

We want participants to TALK about the book, about their work, and about their challenges in a tough role. We hope that this is one of those workshops that sticks with you and makes you think about the HR person you aspire to be and how to go about getting there… if you’re aren’t already there.

To that end, we designed our HR Warrior® Workshop to be action-oriented, introspective, and fun!


If you’re looking for a workshop where you sit and talk with no meaningful takeaway—this is NOT the workshop for you! In our workshop, you can expect to be actively engaged. Here are just a few of the activities we will go through:

  • Completing assessments to review the goals of your organization.
  • Applying a key initiative you’re working on to the CHARGE™ model.
  • Creating a detailed personal development plan

Our goal is to have you do something in the workshop. Not just sit there, absorb slides and forget most of it when you leave. We want this to be a valuable way to spend your time. It is intense and worth it… just like when you try to burn off the donut… squats baby!


Working toward becoming (or remaining) an HR Warrior requires personal introspection. In order to lose weight, we need to get on the scale. In order to assess our abilities as an HR professional, we need to complete the HR Weenie-Warrior Self-Assessment. Knowing where we are helps us create a plan for where we want to be AND how to get there!

When you participate in our workshop, you will not only create—you will complete a personalized development plan, so you can measure your progress and hold yourself accountable to the investment you made in yourself. At the end of the day, the only way you will grow your career is to look inside yourself. We will get you to ask the tough questions:

  • What is working for me?
  • What is not working for me?
  • What do I need to modify?

Once you understand yourself, then you’ll understand what leaders, company and challenges are best for you and your development. This workshop is all about YOU. Yes, there is a framework, but there is no formula to memorize and apply. You’re looking in the mirror, thinking about the six CHARGE™ qualities and saying to yourself, where am I on this continuum… is it the right place to be? If not, what am I doing to move along that continuum? And what will I do to get there?


Before we designed this workshop together, we were already colleagues and good friends. We understand the value of a good laugh, and when we get together there are plenty of jokes to go around! But we also know when to get serious and encourage each other. We can say “remember when…” about our horror stories, shared experiences and learnings, and chuckle in hindsight!

So, that lightheartedness comes through in this workshop. We don’t take ourselves too seriously. We like to curse and laugh—as that’s what gets us through the tough days that exist in HR. Bottom line, we love HR, and we built our workshop to be a safe environment, where you can be yourself, say what’s on your mind, ask the questions you want and challenge your thinking!

Why Commit to our HR Warrior Workshop?

We’ve attended enough workshops where you pay a lot of money and feel the time passing slowly. We know how difficult it can be to devote any time to personal development—but, as HR professionals, we set the standard. We need to develop ourselves in order to be the best coaches and consultants to the employees and leaders with which we partner. Put yourself first and attend an HR workshop that you will walk away from feeling like it was an excellent use of your time, energy and money! Take the most important step and invest in YOU!

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